Investigations: Death Investigation, Wrongful Death, Suspicious Death, Unsolved Murder, Suicide Investigation, Alleged Accidents, Staged Murders…

LPA serves its clientele with integrity, ethics, professionalism, and a wealth of education, training, and experience. LPA’s associates, consultants, field operatives, and case analysts hold more than 300 years of combined death investigation experience. We effectively utilize the latest technology and science while fully embracing the power of contemporary media — including television, social media, journalism, and public relations — all to give you exceptional service that is reliable, accurate and comprehensive. While not every case at LPA is suitable for media journalism, and some clients don’t want their cases in the media, LPA is helpful to clients learn how media can be helpful in solving cases under specific circumstances in some cases at the right time towards helping clients understand when it is appropriate to involve the media, when it might be too soon, and when definitely not to involve the media.

Wrongful Death Investigation

Coming soon…

Suspicious Death Investigation

LPA is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to moving cases. LPA is known worldwide for getting cases reignited, restarted, reopened, and more than anything solved. Not only is it what 'we’re known for, it’s what we do best. For more than two decades, LPA Associates individually and collectively have literally solved and cleared thousands of cases. Just ask any LPA Roundtable Associate to talk to you about their career casework…it is amazing. We specialize in staged suicides, staged missing person, staged violent crime, staged accidental death, etc. We offer case review and field death investigation, shooting and bloodstain reconstruction, DNA analysis, digital evidence analysis, and more…Not every case has DNA. Not every case has fingerprints. Not every case has even physical evidence of any kind. The majority of cases are most often won by testimonial evidence, but that’s not what the public thinks or sees on TV.

Getting manner of death changed is no easy feat in death investigation. But we’ve done it. And we do it well. It is not up to LPA to decide to change a manner of death, but our reports suggest it to the powers that be in cases where we determine a different manner of death is most supported by the evidence in totality.

There is a huge difference between “thinking” and “knowing.”

Your standard for selecting a death investigation firm should be very high just like our court of law should also demand our standard of evidence be very high. Taking someone’s word for something can set you up for disaster in the courtroom. LPA does not go out on thin limbs. When our experts render opinions, they “know;” they have evidence “six ways to Sunday” so to speak, that supports their opinion. No one should ever believe anyone, even a family member or trusted friend, who renders an unsubstantiated opinions in death cases...that’s not how it works…and inflammatory, derogatory, rhetoric about the investigators who worked a case is damaging to the case in court. Best to refrain on social media from bashing the very investigators who have to take the stand in a case to explain what they did. Do you want the jury to believe them towards convicting a potentially guilty party? If you do, do not publicly criticize authorities involved in your cases.

Death investigation is a multidisciplinary process, one that is scientific, and one that is decedent-centered. People spouting off opinions on what they “think” happened don’t “know”. Unsubstantiated opinions are nothing more than allegations, accusations, or statements without evidence. At LPA, our experts render opinions about crime scenes, manner of death, cause of death, specific items of evidence, and more. If one of our experts renders an opinion, guaranteed we have scientific, multidisciplinary, victim-centered evidence to prove it. LPA’s methods are highly-researched, extremely well organized, critically acclaimed, peer-reviewed, adopted in by the scientific community, and used as the standard by some agencies as the basis of sound investigatory practice. You can “take it to the bank,” when and LPA expert says:

  • This case is a murder

  • This case is not a murder

  • This behavioral pattern is consistent with staging

  • This behavioral pattern is inconsistent with staging

  • This decedent was a victim of a violent crime

  • This decedent was not a victim of a violent crime

  • This decedent’s death is consistent with accidental death

  • This decedent’s death is consistent with natural death

  • This decedent’s death is consistent with suicide

  • This decedent’s death is inconsistent with homicide or murder

  • This decedent’s death is consistent with homicide and murder

    • Homicide is a manner of death, not all homicides are murders.

    • Murder is a criminal act, all murders are crimes.

Homicide Investigation

Murder is simple, murder is conflict resolution for the offender. Investigating murder can be complicated, but using Pettler’s Murder Room Method makes it easier. More coming soon…

Post-Conviction/Wrongful Conviction Investigation

Coming soon…