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DIY With the Doctor: How to Make an Old World Pallet Sign for under $20

Difficultly Level: Easy

Cost: $20 or less for the sign depending on your materials

Here are a few pics of our farm sign. Very simple to make.  

  1. Select a pallet that has great patina on the wood.  
  2. Dismantle the pieces you'll need.  
  3. Line them up in various order until you like the way they are arranged.  
  4. Adhere them together with screws and pieces of wood cut to length on the back side.  
  5. Use a translucent stain of your choice if you want to to stain the wood. I chose to use Sherwin Williams solid stain first.  
  6. Sand off and distress once it's dry.  
  7. Using a rag, apply a light coat of translucent stain on top. I used Sherwin Williams Exterior Pecan.  
  8. Sand off and distress to our liking.  
  9. Mads trim in cedar as I did, or out of wood from the pallet.  
  10. Add clips for hanging or mounting your sign.  

About lettering your sign: I chose to print each letter from the computer. I placed one letter per page and printed them out. Then I cut them out individually and taped them together to make a word. Using tracing paper and painters tape, I taped the mat of letters to the wood and then I traced the outline of the letters onto the stained and distressed pallet sign. Using a super small brush, I painted the letters using Sherwin Williams black solid stain we had mixed for our fence. You can do this step however you choose, my way was very time consuming and labor intensive, but it came out exactly the way I wanted it to. 

I chose to use mismatched antique chain to hang my sign.  

How to make a sign mount like Cavalleria's: 

  1. Select your location and dig holes at least 2 feet deep and 12 inches wide.  
  2. Set your posts in concrete and use a level to make them plum all the way around.  
  3. Once dry, mount your center post. 
  4. Stain cedar boards and cut to size to your liking to cover the treated post.  
  5. Adhere cedar with screws.  

Viola!!! You have a new sign and post!